
Funded programs, projects and organizations must improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in one or more of the nine communities within the Foundation’s service area which includes Portsmouth, Newington, New Castle, Greenland, Rye and North Hampton, New Hampshire; and Kittery, Eliot and York, Maine.

2024 Strategic Grant Proposals for Youth Mental Health

The Strategic Grant Cycle has closed, effective 9/06/2024

We are seeking proposals that specifically focus on improving the mental health and well-being of youth and young adults. For this grant, youth and young adults are defined as 12-25 years old. Based, in part, on the work of the Search Institute on developmental assets we believe our community should provide the experiences, opportunities, and relationships that youth need to build resiliency and thrive.

Proposals must address one or more of the following:

  i.          Elevate and empower youth/young adult voices and self-esteem

ii.          Reduce, remove or mitigate the impact of social media.

iii.          Support the importance of the “trusted adult” and/or improve & facilitate parent-child communication.

iv.          Reduce stigma in how we talk about mental health and access services.

In addition, proposals that reach at-risk or marginalized individuals and those that counteract the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) will be given top priority.

We expect to award up to $400,000 during this grant cycle.  The maximum request is $75,000 and in many cases these grants will be considered multi-year. Organizations are encouraged to apply for new or existing programs.

All prospective grantees will be required to speak to the CEO about their program/initiative prior to receiving a link to the application. This will help to ensure that the proposal meets the goals of the grant cycle. We encourage applicants to submit their ideas early in the cycle.

 The deadline for proposals is September 6, 2024.  Grantees will be notified of their status by November 1, 2024. 

2024 Spring Cycle:

We are pleased to announce the following recipients who participated in our 2024 Spring Responsive Grant cycle.  The Community Investment Committee worked together to recommend the following grant organizations from a pool of 46 applicants, and the Foundation Board of Trustees approved these 18 grant recipients totaling approximately $274,000 in funding.

CORNERSTONE VNA - Awareness in Mental Health Challenges

GOODWORK - Seacoast Impact Circle: Collaborative NP Leaders

HAVEN - Trauma-Informed Mental Health Services

MY BREAST CANCER SUPPORT - Coalition for Frontline Care Teams

NAMI NH - Building Volunteer Capacity on Seacoast

NH ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND - Empowering the Blind and Visually Impaired

SEACOAST VILLAGE PROJECT - Health Support Resource Team

SEACOAST OUTRIGHT - Expansion of programming and facilitation

SEAC MENTAL HEALTH CTR-WE CAN FIX THIS - Film- youth mental health 

JOAN LOVERING HEALTH CENTER - Health Care Access for Uninsured Patients

HOSPICE HELP FOUNDATION - Supporting Impoverished Hospice Patients

FAMILIES FIRST - Leadership Training

ON BELAY - Adventure Programs for Youth Impacted by Cancer


NH  AHEC- Lamprey Health - LNA training class

YORK COMMUNITY SVC ASSOCIATION - Food and pantry minor renovations

BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER - ACES-Trauma Informed Mentoring  

THE BIRCHTREE CENTER - Portable Teachnology to Strengthen Capacity

To learn more about Eligibility, Types of Grants, Selection Criteria, Submission Timelines, and our Priority Areas of Funding for 2024-2027 please download our Grant Making Guidelines pdf.

Grant Reporting Questions:

  • Describe how the grant funds improved the health and well-being of Seacoast residents.  Anonymous stories of how this grant impacted the lives of specific clients/constituents are welcome.   

  • Provide an estimate of the number of individuals impacted annually, how many in the Foundation’s service area.  If available, please tell us how many in each town of the Foundation’s service area.

  • If available, tell us the percentage of the total number of individuals your organization serves who are:  White/Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Other Ethnicity

  • If available, we’d like to know the age of the total number of individuals your organization serves: 0-5 yrs., 6-12 yrs., 13-18 yrs., 19-30 yrs., 31-60 yrs., 60-70 yrs., 71+ yrs. 

  • Tell us about any lessons learned by the organization being sure to describe any changes you made as a result.

  • What do you see as the top health & wellness related needs on the Seacoast?

Grant Application Questions Asked:

  • Briefly describe your organization, its mission, and its current programs and services

  • Describe the program, project, or organizational need and how it meets the intent of this grant focus. If the proposal is related to a project/program that is new to your organization tell us why you created it, the unmet or emerging need you are addressing, and whether you have secured other funding.

  • Define the impact you expect to have, including the number of individuals impacted, in the Foundation's service area.

  • Do other organizations address these needs in the community and, if so, who are they and how will your proposal supplement or augment these services? If you are collaborating with other community, regional or statewide partners, what do each of you bring to the table? How do you coordinate activities and avoid duplication of services?

2023 Grant Recipients


Big Brothers Big Sisters NH

Cornerstone VNA



Greater Seacoast Community Health

I Got Bridged

KBIC- Krempels Brain Injury

PHA Housing Development

PHA Housing Development

Rockingham Meals on Wheels

Safe Harbor Recovery Center

Seacoast Outright

Seacoast Village Project 

Seacoast Youth Services


The Friends Program

Arts in Reach

Connections Peer Support Center

Fair Tide

Friends in Action



Joan G. Lovering Health Center


Pinetree Institute

Portsmouth Senior Activity

Rockingham VNA & Hospice

Seacoast Mental Health Center

Seacoast Pathways

Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle

Southern Maine Agency on Aging 

The Chase Home

2022 Grant Recipients


Child Advocacy of Rockingham County

Connor’s Climb

Friends Forever


KBIC- Krempels Brain Injury

PHA Housing Development

Portsmouth Music & Arts Center

Red’s Good Vibes

Rockingham VNA & Hospice

Seacoast Mental Health Center

Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle 

Southern NH Services 


The Friends Program

White Pine Programs

Arts in Reach

Clay Soper Memorial Fund

Cross Roads House

Friends of the Music Hall

Greater Seacoast Community Health


Pinetree Institute

Prescott Park Arts Festival

Rockingham Melas on Wheels

Seacoast Community School

Seacoast Outright

Southern Maine Agency on Aging

Step Up Parents

The Chase Home

The Phoenix